This is Planet Zoo Wiki's list of policies.
It's recommended that you read it over before you start contributing.
Anything not covered by current policies will be handled at the discretion of staff.
- Abusive behavior is unacceptable under any circumstances. This includes, but is not limited too:
- Threats
- Insults
- Slurs
- Prejudice Remarks
- Provoking Others
- Keep your profile and language appropriate.
- Mini-modding is absolutely not allowed. We appreciate that you want to help, but staff can handle situations more effectively than normal users. If you see something, report it to us and move along.
- Do not share unreleased leaks or exploits. This excludes leaks made by the developers themselves.
- Do not post translated articles. We cannot moderate content made in a language we do not understand. If you wish to make a Planet Zoo Wiki in another language and put in an interlanguage link request, you are completely free to do so.
- Article sabotaging will not be tolerated.
- Spamming is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited too:
- Gibberish
- Comment Claiming
- Random Images
- Repetition
- Rapid Commenting
- Chain Mail
- Song Lyrics
- Do not create new category pages. To avoid excess repetitive categories, please stick with existing categories. If you believe that a category should be created, please let an administrator know on their Message Wall.