Planet Zoo Wiki

The Veggie Jelly Cake is a food enrichment item available for update 1.18 in Planet Zoo.


IconAddax IconAfricanCrestedPorcupine IconAfricanSpurredTortoise IconAlpaca IconAlpineGoat IconAlpineIbex IconAmericanStandardDonkey IconBlackRhinoceros IconBlackTailedPrairieDog IconBlueWildebeest IconCapybara IconCollaredPeccary IconCommonWombat IconCoquerelsSifaka IconDromedaryCamel IconHamadryasBaboon IconHippopotamus IconIndianRhinoceros IconKirksDikDik IconMarkhor IconMoose IconNorthAmericanBeaver IconPrzewalksisHorse IconPygmyHippo IconRedRiverHog IconReindeer IconScimitarHornedOryx IconSomaliWildAss IconSouthernWhiteRhinoceros IconTakin IconTamworthPig IconWildBoar IconWisent

Arboreal Feeding Platform · Food Bowl · Food Cage · Food Tray · Food Trough · Underwater Fish Feeder · Underwater Plant Feeder · Water Bowl · Water Pipe · Water Trough
Bamboo Feeder · Barrel Feeder · Block of Frozen Fish · Block of Frozen Fruit · Dog Ball · Eucalyptus Tree Feeder · Fixed Roller Feeder · Forage Box · Forage Pool · Foraging Wall · Frozen Blood Pumpkin · Fruit Spike Tree · Grazing Ball Feeder · Hanging Grazer Feeder · Melon Feeder · Piñata Pronghorn · Piñata Zebra · Restraint Feeder · Rotation Line Feeder · Scarecrow Feeder · Skittle Feeder · Slow Feeder · Suspended Forager · Suspended High Grazer Feeder · Termite Mound · Tool Puzzle Feeder · Tree Forager · Tree Scatter Feeder · Underwater Fish Feeder · Underwater Plant Feeder · Veggie Jelly Cake
Beaver Pool · Block of Ice · Blood Scent Marker · Bobbin · Bobbin Drum · Bubble Machine · Cardboard Box · Chew Toy · Climbing Frame · Curio Ball · Firehose Ball · Gift Box · Goat Climbing Mountain · Grab Ball · Gyro · Hammock · Herb Scent Marker · Hot Water Tap · Large Ball · Large Snow Ball · Metal Climbing Frame · Mirror Mobile · Mud Bath · Musical Keyboard · Plant Screen · Platform Floats · Prey-Scented Sack · Rubber Duck · Rubbing Pad · Rubbing Pad Bark · Rubbing Pillar · Scratching Post · Scratching Tree · Skittle · Small Ball · Small Ball Colourful · Small Ball Pumpkin · Small Ice Ball · Snowman Skittle · Sprinkler · Submarine Buoy · Tennis Ball · Tug Rope · Tunnel · Tyre · Water Jet · Water Jet Rock · Water Pool · Waterfall and Metal Frame · Wind Chimes
Apple Rope · Basking Lamp · Bat Box · Buddleja · Camouflage Ground · Dry Log · Fallen Tree · Fruit Skewer · Hiding Place · Hollow Log · Large Rock · Leaf Litter · Long Wide Trunk · Mangrove Root · Milkweed · Mister · Mossy Rock · Nectar Feeder · Perch Box · Perch Frame · Perch Rope · Potted Trees · Ripe Fruits · Rock Pile · Submerged Log · Sugar Water Dish · Thin Smooth Branch · Thin Long Log · Tropical Fern · Tropical Plant · Water Dish
For the main article, see here.