The Titan Beetle (Titanus giganteus) is a large South American insect featured in the Standard Edition of Planet Zoo.
It is one of the game's Exhibit Animals.
Zoopedia Informaton[]
Population in the Wild: Unknown
The titan beetle (or Titanus giganteus) is an extremely large species that lives in the tropical rainforests of South America. It has a large reddish-brown and black abdomen, black colouration on its legs, antennae and thorax, and pale wings with brown vein structures. The beetle's robust mandibles are strong enough to snap through twigs and, while both sexes have wings, only the males are capable of flight. Like many species, it is threatened by the ongoing destruction of the rainforest habitat that it calls home.
The adult titan beetle is mostly solitary. However, its determination to find a mate to reproduce may result in a lot of activity.
After emerging from his pupa underground, the male titan beetle will use all his stored larval energy to fly around looking for a female to reproduce with. He tracks them using chemical signals, searching for their scent on the forest floor, where females lay in wait for a mate. Upon finding her, the male will attempt to mate before dying shortly afterwards. The female will lay her fertilized eggs in the ground, but it's not known how long these will take to hatch or for the larvae to pupate as titan beetle larvae has so far evaded discovery by humans.
Animal Care[]
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Zoopedia Fun Facts[]
- The titan beetle is the world's largest beetle, with the biggest ever recorded at 6.7in long.
- Male titan beetles are attracted to light sources, whereas female titan beetles are not.
- Adult male titan beetles do not eat, but spend all their energy on finding a mate and reproducing.
- The larvae of this species have never been found, but it is estimated from boreholes in trees that they could be 30cm long and 5cm wide.
- After emerging from its pupa, the adult titan beetle's lifespan is relatively short, usually dying shortly after mating.