The Sloth Bear, also known as the Indian Bear (Melursus ursinus) is a large Asian bear featured in the Eurasia Animal Pack DLC for Planet Zoo.
Zoopedia Description[]
Population In Wild: Unknown
Living in the tropical rainforests and grasslands of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal, the sloth bear (or Melursus ursinus) is a medium-sized bear. It has shaggy, black fur, a light grey muzzle, and a distinctive grey-white crescent marking across its upper chest. The head is broad, with an oblong snout and hairy, tufted ears. Males and females look alike, but males are 10% to 20% larger than females, measuring between 1.4m and 1.9m long, 60cm to 90cm tall at the shoulder, and weighing 80kg to 145kg.
Sloth bears are considered a Vulnerable species. They are mainly threatened by habitat destruction through deforestation and agricultural land conversion. They are also indirectly threatened by the removal of termite mounds, which are a key food source for them. Additionally, sloth bears are killed by poachers for their body parts which are sought after for traditional medicine and they are at risk of being captured and put into ‘dancing bear’ shows. Conservation efforts include protecting areas of their range, seizing captive bears, and educating the communities who live alongside the bears about their natural history and how to coexist effectively with them.
Sloth bears are solitary, with the exception of a mother with her cubs. They only interact to mate.
Sloth bears’ reproductive season varies based on their location. The Indian population mate between April and June, while sloth bears in Sri Lanka breed year round. When a male and female meet, they vocalise loudly prior and during copulation, then go their separate ways again. Ovulation is induced by mating. Males encountering rivals respond aggressively to each other.
A pregnancy lasts 6 to 7 months, after which the mother gives birth to a litter of 1 to 3 cubs in a cave or den. The cubs are blind for the first 3 weeks of their life, and remain in the den for up to 2 months. After this point, they spend increasing amounts of time outside of the den with their mother, often riding on her back. They remain with their mother for up to 2 years, during which time she won’t get pregnant again. Weaning is complete by 18 months old.
Sloth bear cubs reach sexual maturity between 2 and 3 years old, but are unlikely to reproduce successfully for the first time until they are 7 or 8 years old.
Animal Care[]
Leaves, Nuts and Meat · Fruit and Vegetables · Insects | |
Sloth Bear doesn't benefit from sharing space with other species. |
Zoopedia Fun Facts[]
- The crest on a sloth bear’s chest is thought to be used as a threat display to deter tiger attacks.
- After a mother sloth bear gives birth to her cubs, she will not leave her den for 3 to 8 weeks.
- Sloth bears have been known to fight off tigers and cause serious injuries with their claws.
- Sloth bears are able to completely close their nostrils, which protects them from dust or when raiding bee hives or termite nests.
- Unlike other bears, sloth bears have no front teeth as an adaptation for sucking up insects.