The Llama (Lama glama) is a large South American ungulate featured in the South America Pack DLC for Planet Zoo.
Zoopedia Description[]
Population in the Wild: 7,000,000
The llama (or Lama glama) is a species of camelid native to the mountains and steppes of Western South America. Naturally found in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, llamas have since been introduced all over the world as livestock because of the high-quality wool they produce. They are domesticated animals and have lived alongside humans as livestock and pack animals for 4000 years. They have a long neck, long legs and a stocky body covered in thick, shaggy wool, and they can be white, tan, piebald, black or grey in colour. Both sexes are between 1.6 and 1.8m tall and 92 to 160cm long, weighing between 130 and 200kg.
Llamas are domesticated and thus are an abundant and well- regulated species, which does not have conservation needs. They are generally good natured animals; curious and easy to train because of their extensive interaction with humans.
Llamas are social animals that live in mixed herds. Males often form very close bonds, and members of a llama group have a constantly changing social rank based on small fights within the herd. These consist of spitting, ramming, neck wrestling and kicking.
Males who want to mate will chase females and, if one is receptive, she will then lie down on the ground to allow him to mate with her. Llamas are induced ovulators, meaning that mating causes an egg to be released. Due to this, females will often get pregnant after the first mating event; she will be pregnant for 11.5 months, and then give birth to a single cria, which will begin eating solid food at 2 weeks old and is fully weaned by 6 to 10 months. Females reach sexual maturity at 1 year old, while males reach sexual maturity at 3 years old.
Animal Care[]
Hay Ā· Herbivore Pellets Ā· Fruit and Vegetables | |
Zoopedia Fun Facts[]
- Unlike other grazing animals, llamas can barely stick their tongues out of their mouths, because of how it is attached.
- Llamas can carry up to 30% of their body weight for long distances, making them excellent pack animals.
- During birth, all the female llamas in the herd gather around the expectant mother to protect her and her new-born from predators and males.
- One of the ways llamas communicate is by humming.
- The vicuƱa and the guanaco are 'cousins' of the llama that have never been domesticated.
Other Trivia[]
- In the 1.3 Update, the Llama was given color variation; although, it lost its original cream white coat. This was remedied in the 1.8 Update, when they added the Colourmorph System and brought back the " leucistic Llama. "
- The Llama is the first camelid to be added in a DLC.
- The Llama was given the ability to spit on guests in the 1.14 Update.