The Collared Peccary (Dicotyles tajacu) is a small American ungulate featured in the Standard Edition of Planet Zoo. They were added in the 1.15.2 Update.
Zoopedia Description
Population in the Wild: Unknown
The collared peccary (or Pecari tajacu) is a pig-like mammal adapted to living in a diverse array of environments. It’s native range spans across the rainforests, woodlands, semi-deserts, and grasslands of North, Central, and South America. Collared peccaries have coarse, grey hair that is slightly longer around the neck and spine. They are named after the ring of paler hair around their neck. They have a pig-like, round snout, short and straight tusks, and small, rounded ears. There is no sexual dimorphism in collared peccaries, meaning males and females look alike and are the same size. They measure 30cm to 50cm tall at the shoulder, are 84cm to 106cm long, and weigh between 15kg and 42kg.
Collared peccaries are considered a species of Least Concern due to their wide distribution and adaptability. Their population levels are stable, however the continuous destruction of their habitat in some regions could cause issues over time and requires monitoring.
Collared peccaries live in mixed groups of interrelated females and unrelated males, usually made up of 5 to 15 individuals, although groups of up to 50 peccaries have been recorded. The dominant male is usually the largest group member, while the dominant female is usually the oldest.
There is no defined breeding season in collared peccaries, instead males will mate whenever given the chance, and females will mate if they aren’t already pregnant or currently nursing a litter. In a herd of peccaries, the largest male with the longest tusks is usually the dominant male who holds the right to mate with all females, but may be challenged by other, similar-sized males in the group.
Pregnancies last between 140 to 150 days. During the last days of pregnancy, a female collared peccary will find a place to give birth in, such as a den, hollow tree, or shallow dip in the ground. Litter size is between 1 to 4 piglets, 2 on average. The piglets will grow rapidly. Weaning begins by 10 days old and is complete when they are 6 weeks old. The young piglets remain closely associated with their mother until they are 9 months old.
Collared peccaries reach sexual maturity at 11 months old. At this age, males leave the herd to join an unrelated group, while females remain with their natal group.
Animal Care
Root Vegetables and Salad · Herbivore Pellets · Fruit | |
Zoopedia Fun Facts[]
- Collared peccaries can open their jaws up to 90 degrees, making their straight tusks efficient weapons.
- Collared peccaries have a scent gland on their back, which emits a strong smell that is used to mark their territory, identify each other, or ward off predators.
- The collared peccary creates wallows which are important environments for aquatic life, especially frogs.
- Collared peccaries walk on the middle two toes of their feet, while their other toes are smaller claws, which may be higher up the leg or may be missing entirely.
- Peccaries are closely related to pigs but differ in that they don’t have a ruminating stomach, and have straight rather than curved tusks.
Other Trivia[]
- The Collared Peccary is the third animal added as a free anniversary gift, the first being the Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur and the second being the Red Deer.