Reverting my edits
I remember that I have been editing some category pages on Planet Zoo wiki, due to my perspective views on things, until my edits get reverted much to my annoyance, which is why nobody else reverts my edits on Wiki except me.
my wishlist for new animals for future updates
- 1 Aviary Birds wishlist
- 2 New North American Animals (Bambi Pack)
- 3 New Central/South/Latin American Animals
- 4 New African Animals
- 5 New European Animals
- 6 New Asian Animals (the Jungle Book Pack)
- 7 New Oceanic Animals
- 8 Domestic Breeds/Farm Animals
- African Gray Parrot
- African Sacred Ibis
- Bald Eagle
- Barred Owl
- Blue-&-Yellow Macaw
- Brown Pelican
- Burrowing Owl
- Great Gray Owl
- Barn Owl
- Californian Condor
- Canada Goose
- Cattle Egret
- Swan Goose
- Common Raven
- Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo
- Eurasian Griffon Vulture
- Golden Eagle
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Hornbill
- Great Horned Owl
- Great White Pelican
- White Stork
- Painted Stork
- Ospry
- Ground Hornbill
- Harpy Eagle
- Hyacinth Macaw
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Mallard Duck
- Mandarin Duck
- Mute Swan
- Northern Red Billed Hornbill
- Peregrine Falcon
- Turkey Vulture
- Red Tailed Haw…
Walrus for Summer 2023!
- 1 Updates
- 1.1 Update 1.14
- 1.1.1 Plants
- 1.1.2 Enrichment
- 1.1.3 Guest Facilities
- 1.1.4 General Improvements
- 1.2 Update 1.15
- 1.2.1 Plants
- 1.2.2 General Improvements
- 1.3 Update 1.16 (Last Update)
- 1.3.1 General Improvements
- 1.1 Update 1.14
- 2 Upcoming Animals and DLCs
- 2.1 Islands Animal Expansion Pack (June 28, 2023)
- 2.2 Mountains Animal Expansion Pack (September 12, 2023)
- 2.3 Anniversary Animals (November 7, 2023)
- 2.4 Aviary Expansion Pack (December 12, 2023)
- Ghaf (Prosopis cineraria)
- Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)
- Natural Mud Bath
- Hotel
- Foyer
- Room Standard
- Room Luxury
- Other apes such as the Bornean Orangutan, can now brachiate like Siamang and Lar Gibbons
- Downy Birch (Betula pubescens)
- Giant Lobelia (Lobelia rhynchopetalum)
- Norway Spruce (Picea abies)
- Tigers, lions, dingos, and other animals can now …
Planet Zoo Petting School Pack
Here is the wishlist of a fan made idea. It is a Pack focus on two aspect: Petting Zoo and School Theme. In a way, this can be split into 2 different packs.
The petting concept focus on 2 things: New animals that appear in petting zoo, and new enrichment items that require guest interaction. The interaction can be free or have a fee. However, if the animal does not need it, the guest cannot do it.
- European rabbit walkthrough exhibit
- Alpaca (Lama pacos)
- Mandarin Duck
- Pygmy Goat (7 colors)
Animals by Biome
- 1 *Work In Progress*
- 2 Habitat Animals
- 2.1 Africa
- 2.1.1 Desert
- 2.2 Asia
- 2.2.1 Tropical
- 2.3 North America
- 2.3.1 Desert
- 2.3.2 Taiga
- 2.4 Oceania
- 2.4.1 Grassland
- 2.4.2 Tropical
- 2.4.3 Temperate x (Desert or Grassland)
- 2.1 Africa
List of animals in Planet Zoo so far
* deluxe exclusive
* Arctic Pack DLC exclusive
° South America Pack DLC exclusive
▦ Australia Pack DLC exclusive
⌑ Aquatic Pack DLC exclusive
⃰ Southeast Asian Animals DLC exclusive
ˆ Africa Pack DLC exclusive
† North American Animals DLC exclusive
· Europe Pack DLC exclusive
-Wetland Animals DLC exclusive
⎔ Conservation Pack DLC exclusive
⊕ Twilight Pack DLC exclusive
▵Grassland Animals DLC exclusive
⧆ Tropical Pack DLC exclusive
∝ Arid Animals DLC exclusive
∍ Oceana Pack DLC exclusive
✺ Eurasian Animals DLC exclusive
✱Barnyard Animals DLC exclusive
+Anniversary update
- Aardvark (Habitat)
- Addax (Habitat)∝
- African Buffalo (Habitat)
- African Crested Porcupine (Habitat)∝
- African Penguin (Habitat)ˆ
- African Savannah Elephant (Habitat)
- African Wild Dog (Habitat)
- Aldabra G…
My DLC Ideas for Planet Zoo in 2022
- 1 My DLC Wishlist
- 1.1 Central Asia Animal Pack
- 1.2 Endangered Pack
- 1.3 Rainforest Animal Pack
- Amur Leopard
- Przewalski's Horse
- Wild Water Buffalo
- Red-Crowned Crane
- Golden Takin
- Asiatic Lion
- Blackbuck
- Exhibit: King Cobra
- Saiga Antelope
- Iberian Lynx
- Cuban Crocodile
- Tasmanian Devil
- Exhibit: Axoloti
- Capybara
- Red River Hog
- Siamang Gibbon
- Fossa
- Green Peafowl
- Black Howler Monkey
- South American Coati
- Exhibit: Panther Chameleon
DLC Predictions for Planet Zoo
- Alpine Ibex
- Iberian Lynx
- Wolverine
- Red Fox
- Fire Salamander (Exhibit)
- Mediterranean-themed scenery pieces
- Leopard Seal
- Chinstrap Penguin
- Antarctic Fur Seal
- Gentoo Penguin
- Antarctic Midge (Exhibit)
- Igloo-themed scenery pieces
My DLC Wishlist
- 1 Europe Animal Pack
- 1.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.2 Exhibit Animal
- 1.3 Bonus Features
- 2 India Animal Pack
- 2.1 Habitat Animals
- 2.2 Exhibit Animal
- 3 Madagascar Animal Pack
- 3.1 Habitat Animals
- 3.2 Exhibit Animals
- 3.3 Bonus Features
- Alpine Ibex
- Eurasian Beaver
- Eurasian Lynx
- Fallow Deer
- Red Deer
- Red Fox
- Wild Boar
- European Green Lizard
- The Eurasian Beaver is the variant of the North American Beaver.
- The Fallow Deer has different colour variations.
- Asiatic Lion
- Blackbuck
- Lion-Tailed Macaque
- Onager
- Painted Stork
- Sloth Bear
- Takin
- King Cobra
- Aye-Aye
- Coquerel’s Sifaka
- Fossa
- Radiated Tortoise
- Giant Day Gecko
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
- Panther Chameleon
- Tomato Frog
- The Madagascar Animal Pack has 4 exhibit animals.
My DLC Ideas
- 1 North America Pack
- 1.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.2 Exhibit Animal
- 2 Europe Pack
- 2.1 Habitat Animals
- 2.2 Exhibit Animal
- 3 Bird Pack
- 3.1 Habitat Animals
- 4 India Pack
- 4.1 Habitat Animals
- 4.2 Exhibit Animal
- American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
- Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)
- American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
- North American Beaver (Castor canadensis)
- American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)
- Alpine Ibex (Capra ibex)
- Fallow Deer (Dama dama)
- Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus)
- Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
- Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra)
- American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) (North America)
- Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) (South America)
- Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius) (Africa)
- Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (Europe)
- Red-Crowned Crane (Grus japonensis) (Asia)
- Emu (Dromaius no…
which animals do you want to see
Which animal packs do you want to see next
- 1 Tasmanian Pack
- 2 African Carnivores Pack
- 3 Before the Dinos Pack
- 4 The Age of Dinos Pack
- 5 After The Dinos Pack
- 6 Ocean Killers Pack
- 7 Ocean Giants Pack
- Tasmanian Devil
- Spotted Tiger Quoll
- Tasmanian Eagle
- Red ballied snake
- Playtpus
- Honey Badger
- Striped Hyena
- African Crowned Eagle
- Carcal
- Nile Crocodile
- Dimetrodon
- Gorgonspid
- Suctosaurs
- Lystrosaurus
- Edaphosaurus
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Spinosaurus
- Triceratops
- Anklyosarus
- Stegosaurus
- Smilodon
- Wooly Mammoth
- Dire Wolf
- Wooly Rhino
- Irish Elk
- Great White Shark
- Killer Whale
- Stonefish
- Blue Ringed Octopus
- Jellyfish
- Whale Shark
- Ocean Sunfish
- Manta Ray
- Giant Pacfic Octopus
- Giant Squid
My Ideas for Next DLC Pack
Here are my ideas for what’s next for Planet Zoo. This list will be in a alphabetical order.
- 1 Animals that are already in the Game
- 1.1 Animals
- 2 North America Pack
- 2.1 Habitat Animals
- 2.2 Exhibit Animal
- 2.3 Theme
- 3 Europe Pack
- 3.1 Habitat Animals
- 3.2 Exhibit Animal
- 3.3 Theme
- 4 Middle East Animal Pack
- 4.1 Habitat Animals
- 4.2 Exhibit Animal
- 4.3 Theme
- Aardvark
- African Buffalo
- African Elephant
- African Penguin
- African Wild Dog
- Aldabra Giant Tortoise
- Amazonian Giant Centipede
- American Bison
- Antillean Iguana
- Arctic Wolf
- Babirusa
- Bactrian Camel
- Baird’s Tapir
- Bengal Tiger
- Binturong
- Black Wildebeest
- Boa Constrictor
- Bongo
- Bonobo
- Bornean Orangutan
- Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Cheetah
- Chinese Pangolin
- Clouded Leopard
- Colombian White-Faced Capuchin Monkey
- Common Death Adder
- Com…
Future Game Pack Wishes
- 1 Nocturnal Creatures Pack
- 2 Madagascar Pack
- 3 North America Pack
- 4 Primate Pack
- Common Vampire Bat
- Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat
- Short-Beaked Echidna
- Fishing Cat
- Pygmy Slow Loris
- Coquerel's Sifaka
- Fossa
- Radiated Tortoise
- Tomato Frog
- Veiled Chameleon
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
- Bald Eagle
- Alaskan Moose
- Prairie Dog
- Mountain Lion
- Wolverine
- Pronghorn
- American Beaver
- American Alligator
- White-Handed Gibbon
- Black Howler Monkey
- Black Spider Monkey
- Tufted Capuchin
- Golden Lion Tamarin
My DLC Pack Ideas
- 1 North America Pack
- 1.1 Habitat Animals:
- 1.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 1.3 Bonus Features:
- 2 Europe Pack
- 2.1 Habitat Animals:
- 2.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 2.3 Bonus Features:
- 3 Egypt Pack
- 3.1 Habitat Animals:
- 3.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 3.3 Bonus Features:
- 4 Beach Pack
- 4.1 Habitat Animals:
- 4.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 4.3 Bonus Features:
- 5 Aquatic Animal Pack
- 5.1 Habitat Animals:
- 5.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 5.3 Bonus Features:
- 6 South America Animal Pack
- 6.1 Habitat Animals:
- 6.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 6.3 Bonus Features:
- 7 Australia Animal Pack
- 7.1 Habitat Animals:
- 7.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 7.3 Bonus Features:
- 8 Arctic Animal Pack
- 8.1 Habitat Animals:
- 8.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 8.3 Bonus Features:
- 9 Southeast Asia Deluxe Pack
- 9.1 Habitat Animals:
- 9.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 10 Africa Animal Pack
- 10.1 Habitat Animals:
- 10.2 Exhibit Animal:
- 11 North America Animal Pack
- 11.1 Habitat Animals…
Final DLC Predictions
The rumour mill suggests that content support for Planet Zoo is on a decline. This is partly due to a mega-rumour concerning Jurassic World: Dominion and its promotion. Support ending in 2021 also lines up well with Planet Coaster's support time. With that said, here's my final DLC expectations for Planet Zoo.
- Exhibit Animals in itlaics.
- 1 Africa Animal Pack
- 1.1 Animals
- 1.2 Other
- 2 North America Pack
- 2.1 Animals
- 2.2 Other
Coincides with Update 1.6, releasing on August 23rd. Update 1.6 would also come with updated water interaction for elephants and hippos.
- Red River Hog (Potamochoerus porcus)
- Biomes - Tropical
- Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
- Biomes - Grassland, Desert
- African Leopard (Panthera pardus pardus)
- Biomes - Grassland, Desert, Tropical
- Dromedary C…
Hays County Zoo (fanmade)
The Hays County Zoo is a non-profit rescue zoo and located in southwestern unincorporated Travis County, Texas, United States, west of Austin. The zoo is accreddited by the Zoological Association of America. The mission of Austin Zoo is to assist animals in need through rescue, rehabilitation, and education.
- Plain Zebra
- Black Wildebeest
- Springbok
- Gemsbok
- Pronghorn Antelope
- American Bison
- Indian Rhinoceros
- Llama
- Indian Peacock
- Bengal Tiger
- Tiber Wolf
- Jaguar
- Saltwater Crocodile
- King Penguin
- Cheetah
- Spotted Hyena
Updated DLC Ideas
Now that we have the news of the Aquatic Update and the deep diving mechanic, I have decided to reboot my DLC ideas. These aren't predictions in the sense that I think they're likely; they're just realistic pack ideas.
- Sun Bear (confirmed from recent leaks)
- Siamang
- Hoffman's Two-Toed Sloth
- Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
- Jackson's Chameleon
- 180 new building and foliage pieces in the "Treehouse" theme, inspired by ramshackle jungle treehouses a la Swiss Family Robinson and Tarzan
- Tire Swing Enrichment
- Designed to be attached to the bottom of climbing frame platforms
- Used by Bonobo, Bornean Orangutan, Colombian White-Faced Capuchin Monkey, Japanese Macaque, Mandrill, Red Ruffed Lemur, Ring-Tailed Lemur, Siamang, Western Chimpanzee, and Wester…
Planet Zoo Animal Comparison - Zoo Tycoon series
As we know, Planet Zoo was made by the same team that created the XBox game Zoo Tycoon, which in turn was the third entry of a long-running franchise originally created by Blue Fang. I will admit I did see a few similarities, at least animal-roster wise, between the XBox Zoo Tycoon and Planet Zoo, so I thought it might be fun to compare rosters and see which animals Zoo Tycoon shared with Planet Zoo across its three games.
- 1 Three Games
- 2 Two Games
- 2.1 Zoo Tycoon 1 and Zoo Tycoon 2
- 2.2 Zoo Tycoon 1 and Zoo Tycoon XBox
- 2.3 Zoo Tycoon 2 and Zoo Tycoon XBox
- 3 One Game
- 3.1 Zoo Tycoon 1 only
- 3.2 Zoo Tycoon 2 only
- 3.3 Zoo Tycoon XBox only
- African Elephant
- Bengal Tiger
- Black Rhinoceros
- Bongo
- Cougar (Mountain Lion in ZT1, Florida Panther in ZT2)
- Gemsbok
- Greater Flamingo
- Grizzly B…
My DLC Wishlist
These all might not true, Or outdated in the near future. I'm just doing just for the fun of it. And I base all on my opinion of what Frontier would do. And I don't think they would create this amount of DLC.
- 1 Petting Zoo
- 1.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.2 Building Theme
- 2 Island PAck
- 2.1 Habitat Animals
- 2.2 Exhibit Animals
- 2.3 Building Theme
- 2.4 Honorable Mentions
- 3 Aviary Pack
- 4 Aquarium Pack
- 5 Endanger Species DLC
- 5.1 Habitat Animals
- 5.2 Exhibit Animals
- 6 Middle Eastern DLC
- 7 East Asian DLC
- 8 Grassland DLC
- 9 Coastal DLC
- 10 Desert DLC
- 11 Rainforest DLC
- 12 Forest DLC
- Shetland Pony
- American Pygmy Goat
- Pot Belly Pig
- Welsummer Chicken
- Farm
- Channel Island Fox
- Blue Footed Booby
- American Flamingo
- Quokka
- Coconut Crab
- Polynesian
- Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
- Tokay Gecko
- Land Lobster
- Black Rhino
- Amur Leopard
- Pr…
Pronghorns and Dall Sheep?
I am doing a new zoo and my two favourite animals Pronghorn and Dall Sheep, I want them to be together. With the animal settings switched to predatory and fear do you think they will be fine together?
Planet Zoo Animal Fan Poll
Hi everyone, You may be aware of the poll that I've been working on with a friend of mine. I am proud to announce that version 2 of the poll is live! The main gist is that it's a fixed list of animals, which were winners from the first poll.
That being said, here's a link to the poll.
My Planet Zoo Future Content Post
I really thought Rtrifunovski's Future Content blog entry was a really cool idea since it also touched upon free update stuff rather than just DLC, so I will be unabashedly stealing that idea like the scoundrel I am. So this is my take on what I'd like to see.
- 1 Free Update Stuff
- 1.1 Stuff Rtrifunovski Already Mentioned
- 1.2 Stuff I Want
- 2 DLC Stuff
- 2.1 Australia DLC Pack
- 2.2 Pacific Northwest DLC Pack
- 2.3 European DLC Pack
- 2.4 American Southwest Pack
I've decided I'm not going to arrange stuff into specific update numbers since there is no way I will be even remotely accurate, so this is just a general list of stuff I'd like to see.
- The more accurate renaming of the Staff Gates to Wooden and Metal
- The addition of a Metal Guest Gate
- More color variations
- More c…
DLC Pack Predictions
Just going to drop my DLC pack predictions
- 1 Australia DLC Pack
- 1.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.2 Exhibit Animals
- 1.3 Items
- 1.4 Alternate Animal Picks
- 2 Coastal DLC Pack
- 2.1 Habitat Animals
- 2.2 Exhibit Animals
- 2.3 Items
- 3 Coral Reef DLC Pack
- 3.1 Habitat Animals
- 3.2 Exhibit Animals
- 3.3 Items
- 4 Pacific Northwest DLC Pack
- 4.1 Habitat Animals
- 4.2 Exhibit Animals
- 4.3 Items
- 5 South America DLC Pack
- 5.1 Habitat Animals
- 5.2 Exhibit Animals
- 5.3 Items
- 5.4 Alternate Animal Picks
- 6 South Asia DLC Pack
- 6.1 Habitat Animals
- 6.2 Exhibit Animals
- 6.3 Items
- Koala ---
- Platypus ---
- Red Kangaroo ---
- Southern Cassowary ---
- Frilled Lizard ---
- Goliath Stick Insect ---
- White's Tree Frog ---
- 200 new foliage and building pieces. New theme is "Outback", which consists of corrugated sheets of metal, chicken wire fences, and Aboriginal in…
Planet Zoo Future Content
Being not just a wishlist for new animals, this page will focus on rumors, hits, or suggestions that could be added further down the line. Organized from free updates to ordinary paid DLCs.
- Pampas Grass (Cortaderia sp.)
- Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana)
- Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca)
- Aerial Tramway
- Added desert biome suitability for both American Bison and Jaguar
- Added taiga biome to the Polylepis Tree
- Deep Swimming behaviours have been added to the Nile Monitor and following Tapirs.
- Milkweed (Asclepias sp.)
- Birds such as the Greater Flamingo and the Indian Peafowl, are able to fly on random occasions
- Thememaker's Toolkit support
- Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya)
- Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
- Greater Rhea (Rhea americana)
- Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus c…
DLC Concepts for Planet Zoo
Being not just a wishlist for new animals, this page will focus on rumors, hits, or suggestions that could be added further down the line. Organized from free updates to ordinary paid DLCs.
- 1 Updates
- 1.1 Update 1.4
- 1.1.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.1.2 Exhibit Animals
- 1.1.3 Barrier
- 1.1.4 Enrichment
- 1.1.5 Plants
- 1.1.6 Rocks
- 1.1.7 Food Stall
- 1.1.8 Career Mode
- 1.1.9 Other Features
- 1.2 Update 1.5
- 1.2.1 Barriers
- 1.2.2 Staff Facility
- 1.2.3 Utilities
- 1.2.4 Other Features
- 1.3 Update 1.6
- 1.3.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.3.2 Exhibit Animals
- 1.3.3 Special Effects
- 1.3.4 Career Mode
- 1.3.5 Other Features
- 1.4 Update 1.7
- 1.4.1 Plants
- 1.4.2 Transport Ride
- 1.5 Viewing Devices
- 1.5.1 Other Features
- 1.6 Update 1.8
- 1.6.1 Habitat Animals
- 1.6.2 Exhibit Animals
- 1.6.3 Enrichment
- 1.6.4 Plants
- 1.6.5 Rocks
- 1.6.6 Career Mode
- 1.6.7 Other Features
- 1.7 Update 1…
- 1.1 Update 1.4
Crate glitch?
I play this game a lot, but sometimes my animals will randomly get crated and there is no button to uncrate them, or anything. I literally cannot do a single thing to them except have them sit there and then have protestors come to my zoo and yell nonstop. Is there a way to fix this or stop it from happening?
DLC Concepts for Planet Zoo
This blog will propose 3 groupings of DLC; 2 sections will consist of content packs in a similar structuring to the Southeast Asia Animal Pack and 1 will be a major expansion pack.
- 1 Biome Packs
- 1.1 Desert Pack
- 1.2 Grassland Pack
- 1.3 Taiga Pack
- 1.4 Temperate Pack
- 1.5 Tropical Pack
- 1.6 Tundra Pack
- 2 Continent Packs
- 2.1 Africa Pack
- 2.2 Europe Pack
- 2.3 India Pack
- 2.4 North America Pack
- 2.5 North Asia Pack
- 3 Holocene Expansion
- 3.1 Habitat Animals
- 3.2 Exhibit Animals
- 3.3 Foliage
- 3.4 Building Themes
- 3.5 Rides
- 3.6 Enrichment
- 3.7 Other Decor
- 3.8 Avatar clothes
Exhibit animals will be noted in italics
- Scimitar Oyrx
- Andean Flamingo
- Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
- Nine-Banded Armadillo
- Bobcat
- African Spurred Tortoise
- Maned Wolf
- American Badger
- Gerenuk
- Onager
- White Rhinoceros
- Emu
- Fallow Deer
- Gelada
- Domestic Yak
- Ande…
Animal Ideas
Animal Ideas
- 1 Habitat
- 2 Aviary
- 3 Aquarium
- 4 Exhibit
- 5 Structures
- 6 Feeders
- Alaska Moose
- Roosevelt Elk
- Southern White Rhinoceros
- Blue Wildebeest
- Eastern Black Rhinoceros
- Wild Boar
- Giant Forest hog
- Masai Giraffe
- White-Bellied Musk Deer
- Jaguar
- African Leopard
- Asiatic Leopard
- Clouded Leopard
- Sumatran Tiger
- South China Tiger
- Asiatic Lion
- Cougar
- Canada Lynx
- Eurasian Lynx
- Bobcat
- Caracal
- Ocelot
- Prairie Dog
- Polar Bear
- Syrian Brown Bear
- American Black Bear
- Emu
- Southern cassowary
- Great Plains Wolf
- Maned Wolf
- Red Wolf
- Arctic Fox
- Coyote
- Arctic Fox
- American Red Fox
- Gray Fox
- Fennec Fox
- Bat-Eared Fox
- Bush Dog
- Black-Backed Jackal
- Side-Striped Jackal
- Golden Jackal
- Dingo
- Dhole
- Raccoon Dog
- Wolverine
- Honey Badger
- Tasmanian Devil
- Giant Otter
- North American River Otter
- Sea Otter
- Pe…
PlanetZoo5107's Planet Zoo Animal/Exhibit/DLC Predictions
Planet Zoo will have 50 animals upon release (hopefully not counting exhibit animals). More animals are expected to be released in DLCs, such as an Amazon Rainforest DLC or an Australian Outback DLC. Here are my predictions for the future animals of Planet Zoo:
So far, 32 animals (not counting exhibit animals) have been announced. Here are my predictions for the remaining 18 animals:
- Aardvark
- Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
- African Leopard
- Black-Handed Spider Monkey
- Black-and-White Ruffed lemur
- Bontebok
- Chinese Alligator
- European White Stork
- Gemsbok
- Greater Flamingo
- Lappet Faced Vulture
- Malayan Tapir
- Marabou Stork
- Red Deer
- Roan Antelope
- Ruppell's Vulture
- Slender-Tailed Meerkat
- Southern White Rhinoceros
- Western Lowland Gorilla
So far, 8 exhibit animals have been ann…
Future Category & Page Hierarchy
This is a list of categories and pages we will/may need to make in the future.
- Antarctic Animals (a subcategory of Animals by Continent)
- Arachnids (a subcategory of Invertebrates)
- Domesticated Animals (a subcategory of Animals by Conservation Status)
- European Animals (a subcategory of Animals by Continent)
- European Foliage (a subcategory of Foliage)
- Insects (a subcategory of Invertebrates)
- A page for each animal
- A page for each Career Mode scenario (with potential strategies)
- A page for each foliage
- A page for each music track
- A page for each staff member
- A page for each type of scenery object (i.e. a general page for "Trash Can" with all potential themed varieties of trash can included)
- African Set
- Barriers
- British Classic Set
- Cardboard Box
- Chew Toy
- Climba…
Pages that will need to be made
Here's all the pages that we'll need to make in the future:
- Animals
- Unspecified Birds
- Unspecified Gorilla
- Unspecified Monkeys
- Unspecified Oryx
- Unspecified Snakes
- Enrichment
- Giant Football
- Rubbing Tower
- Foliage
- N/A
- Gameplay
- Building Sets
- African Theme
- European Theme
- North American Theme
- Core Theme
- Rides
- N/A
- Staff
- Janitor
- Mechanic
- Security Guard
- Terrain
- Terrain Manipulation
- Terrain Paints
- Building Sets
Ultimate CrystalManta Animal Wishlist
Here's my wishlist for the base game and some DLC pack ideas.
- African Buffalo
- African Elephant
- Alaskan Moose
- Bactrian Camel
- Blue-and-yellow Macaw
- Blue Wildebeest
- Boa Constrictor
- Bornean Orangutan
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Cheetah
- Common Ostrich
- Common Warthog
- Emerald Tree Boa
- Emperor Penguin
- Emperor Scorpion
- Emu
- Fennec Fox
- Galapagous Giant Tortoise
- Gemsbok
- Gentoo Penguin
- Giant Anteater
- Giant Panda
- Goliath Bird-eating Spider
- Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula
- Greater Flamingo
- Green Iguana
- Grey Wolf
- Grizzly Bear
- Hippopotamus
- Honey Badger
- Indian Peafowl
- Jackson's Chameleon
- Jaguar
- Koala
- Komodo Dragon
- Plains Zebra
- Polar Bear
- Red Kangaroo
- Red Panda
- Reticulated Giraffe
- Ring-tailed Lemur
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Scarlet Macaw
- Siberian Tiger
- Spotted Hyena
- Thompson's Gazelle
- Three-toed Sloth
- Toco To…
Potential Category Hierarchy
This is just a potential hierarchy tree for wiki categories that we currently have and any we may have in the future. The categories in bold are the ones we currently have and the ones in italics are the ones that could/will be made in the future.
- Animals
- Animals by Clade
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Parrots
- Invertebrates
- Arachnids
- Insects
- Mammals
- Bears
- Canines
- Felines
- Marsupials
- Primates
- Apes
- Monkeys
- Ungulates
- Reptiles
- Crocodilians
- Lizards
- Snakes
- Turtles
- Animals by Conservation Status
- Critically Endangered Animals
- Endangered Animals
- Near Threatened Animals
- Least Concern Animals
- Vulnerable Animals
- Animals by Continent
- Antarctic Animals
- African Animals
- Asian Animals
- Australian Animals
- European Animals
- North American Animals
- South American Animals
- Animals by Diet
- Carnivores
- Herbivores
- Insecti…
- Animals by Clade
Taxonomy Tables for Future Animals
I'm bored and it might be a while until we get new animal information, so I'm going to make these now so we can just copy them over.
Brazilian Wandering Spider
Indian Peafowl
Reticulated Giraffe
Ring-tailed Lemur
Western Chimpanzee
Unspecified Camel
Unspecified Gazelle
Unspecified Gorilla
Unspecified Oryx
Unspecified Rhinoceros
Unspecified Tiger
Unspecified Wildebeest